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The purpose of the documents below are to provide, for financial instruments traded by MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited, a summary of the top five execution counterparties in terms of trading volumes through which MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited route client orders, as well as provide an insight into the quality of execution obtained from these counterparties.
As per MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited's terms and conditions of trading, it complies with the regulatory obligation to act in its client’s best interests when receiving orders and transmitting them to brokers for execution. MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited monitors these brokers and reviews their performance. MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited maintains a high level of attention around execution to ensure that best execution is effectively attained on a consistent basis as outlined in our best execution policy below.
Link Market Services Trustees Limited (LMSTL) is required by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to publish a policy setting out how it achieves best execution for its clients.
LMSTL must obtain the best possible result for a client when it either executes customer orders itself as agent on your behalf or receives and transmits your instructions to third parties for execution.
This policy sets out LMSTL’s strategy and details the key steps it takes to comply with the overarching best execution requirement and how those steps enable it to obtain the best possible result for you.
LMSTL presumes that all retail and professional clients are placing ‘legitimate reliance’ on the firm to deliver best execution for all transactions, regardless of how they arise. This policy therefore applies to all LMSTL’s retail and professional clients and must be read in conjunction with the relevant dealing service terms and conditions.
Where your order is ultimately executed on a regulated market or otherwise you are deemed to have given your consent for your order to be executed in accordance with this policy.
Best Execution PolicyRemember the price of shares can go down as well as up, and you are not guaranteed to get back the amount that you originally invested.
Risk Warning