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The service is only available to private individuals (including registered personal representatives) resident in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man who wish to sell their common shares of Sun Life Financial Inc.
If you hold your shares in the UK Share Account ("the nominee") and wish to sell your shares through this Dealing Service, you must withdraw from the nominee. To do so, simply complete and sign the dealing instruction form and enclose your written instruction to withdraw from the nominee; return to: MUFG Corporate Markets Trustees (UK) Limited, Share Dealing, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL.
Please click here to download and print all necessary documents.
Remember the price of shares can go down as well as up, and you are not guaranteed to get back the amount that you originally invested.
Risk WarningAll you need to do is complete and sign the Dealing Instruction Form and return it to MUFG Corporate Markets together with a valid share certificate(s). We recommend you use a secure method of postage, alternatively, you may choose to use the pre-paid envelope provided (valid only within the UK).
Dealing will normally take place once a week on a Thursday (the Dealing Day") when it is a Business Day or on the next business day if the Thursday is not a Business Day in the UK or if the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSE") is not open for business. Instructions received on any day which is not a Business Day will be deemed to have arrived on the next Business Day. All sale instructions will need to be received by 5pm three Business Days prior to the next Dealing Day in order to qualify for dealing to take place on that Dealing Day. Your instruction will be combined with those of other shareholders and you will not know the share price obtained until after your shares have been sold. Aggregated orders may result in a large number of shares being dealt in the market which may result in a higher or lower price being obtained or a delay in executing the order in full on the designated market.
Once your shares are sold, your sale proceeds will be paid (minus commission charges) and a sales advice will be sent detailing the share price obtained and the exchange rate used. Commission will be charged at 1% subject to a minimum of £50.
If you need assistance or would like to be sent a printed version of the documents, please phone the helpline on 0345 602 1587 (lines are open Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5.30pm).
The Sun Life Postal Dealing Form and the Terms & Conditions have both been updated and can be downloaded from this page using the link opposite.
Please be advised that with effect from 8th August 2024 the old Postal Dealing forms will no longer be eligible for processing and will be returned without deal execution.