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Signet Jewelers Limited

Postal Share Dealing Service

This postal dealing service allows eligible Signet Jewelers Limited (“Signet”) shareholders to sell their shares on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) following the delisting of Signet from the London Stock Exchange. Please ensure you read the below information before making a decision to use this service.

How much does it cost?

Sales commission will be charged at 1% of the value of the transaction, subject to a minimum of £50.

Who is eligible to use this service?

This service is available to all Signet Jewelers Limited shareholders (including legal representatives such as executor(s) whose details have been registered with MUFG Corporate Markets) who are resident in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.

The Service is not available to US citizens, persons who are tax resident in the US or any person who is a ‘US person’ (in relation to US tax regulations and guidance and procedures in relation to the US Internal Revenue Service).

When will my shares be sold?

Your shares will be sold on the NYSE on the first Wednesday of the month, providing your duly completed Postal Dealing Instruction Form (together with your share certificate(s), identification documents and completed W-8BEN form) is received by MUFG Corporate Markets before 5pm on or before two business days before the first Wednesday.

If your instructions are received by MUFG Corporate Markets after 5pm two business days before the first Wednesday of the month, your shares will be sold on the NYSE on the first Wednesday of the next calendar month.

Your shares will be sold in US Dollars and the proceeds converted into Sterling.

Once my shares have been sold, how and when will I receive my payment?

If you currently receive Signet dividend payments direct to your bank account, your proceeds will be sent by MUFG Corporate Markets direct to this bank account.

If you currently receive Signet dividend payments by cheque, MUFG Corporate Markets will send you a cheque in the post for your proceeds.

You should allow approximately two and a half weeks between the date of sale and receipt of the proceeds.

You will also receive a sale advice notification, confirming the share price at which your shares were sold.

What do I do next?

To take advantage of this service, simply complete the Postal Dealing Instruction Form and return this together with your share certificate(s) and identity documentation (a list of acceptable documents can be found below) to MUFG Corporate Markets at:

MUFG Corporate Markets
Share Dealing
Central Square,
29 Wellington Street,
LS1 4DL.

You will also need to complete, sign and return a W-8BEN form which is included with the downloadable Postal Dealing Instruction Form above. For information about how to complete the W-8BEN form, please visit

Proof of Identity

MUFG Corporate Markets has a regulatory obligation to carry out checks to confirm the identity of our customers and verify their place of residence.

In order to complete this verification, we require you to supply two separate documents from the list shown overleaf. One document must be from List A as evidence of name, and one document must be from List B as evidence of the registered address. Please note that the document you provide from List A cannot also be used as evidence of your address from List B.

Your original or certified photocopied documents must clearly show your full name and current registered residential address confirmed at the time the share trade was instructed. The registered address is also recorded on the Register of Members and share certificate if the shares are held in paper format.

Risk warning

Remember the price of shares can go down as well as up, and you are not guaranteed to get back the amount that you originally invested.

Risk Warning

List A – Evidence of Name

Please provide one of the following documents:

  • Current signed passport
  • EEA member state identity card
  • Current full UK or EU photo card driving licence
  • Current full UK driving licence (paper version)
  • Recent Inland Revenue Notice of Coding for Tax purposes or other Inland Revenue notifications – P45 and P60 are not acceptable
  • A letter issued by the Department for Work and Pensions (issued within the last 12 months from the date of this letter)

List B - Evidence of address

Please provide one of the following documents:

  • EEA member state identity card which includes an address.
  • Current UK/EU photo card driving licence.(Since 8 June 2015, the paper counterpart to the photo card driving licence isn’t valid and is no longer issued by DVLA)
  • Current full UK driving licence (paper version)
  • Most recent mortgage statement (issued within the last 12 months)
  • Local Authority Tax bill for the current year.
  • Current utility bill (Water, Gas, Electricity or Landline telephone issued with the last three months)
  • Current Bank/Building society statement (issued in the UK, EU or an equivalent jurisdiction) – must be an open account and issued with the last three months
  • (Mobile phone bills are not acceptable) (Credit card statements are not acceptable)