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Once you have logged in, and after you have accepted the terms and conditions, you will be presented with the account summary page. At the bottom of this page you can view all your previous transactions for this stock. If you want to view past transactions for a non-MUFG Corporate Markets administered company, you will need to login under the same MUFG Corporate Markets Administered Company as before and then select the relevant non-MUFG Corporate Markets Administered Company after login. This will take you to a summary page. At the bottom of this page you will have the option to view previous transactions you have made for this particular company through this service.
Yes, but if you are using the telephone dealing facility, the registered holder must be present to verbally confirm on the telephone that they wish someone to trade on their behalf. If you are using the online dealing facility, any person acting on your behalf would have to have been appointed under a valid power of attorney.
As long as the relevant registrar for the stock in question has been given your details, and has registered probate, (with you as the executor), then we will be able to take instructions from you.
Please call MUFG Corporate Markets on 0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras) if a UK resident or 01 553 0050 if you are resident in Ireland or +44 (0) 20 8639 3399 outside the UK, before you try to sell your shares. If MUFG Corporate Markets (or its affiliates) is not the registrar for the company in which you hold shares, then you will need to contact the relevant registrar.
Please call MUFG Corporate Markets on 03711 664 0300 or 01 553 0050 if you are resident in Ireland or +44 (0) 20 8639 3399 outside the UK, before you try to buy/sell your shares. If Link Market Services Limited (or its affiliates) is not the registrar for the company in which you hold shares, then you will need to contact the relevant registrar.
Remember the price of shares can go down as well as up, and you are not guaranteed to get back the amount that you originally invested.
Diageo Risk warning